Laboratory Tests

  • .ginput_price { display: none; }

    Once you fill out the form below, we will contact you within 24 business hours to schedule your appointment.

    In order to better serve you, you can execute your blood and/or urine tests from 6:30 am Monday to Friday and from 9:30 am on Saturdays and Sundays (16 years old and older). Your specimens will be analyzed within 24 to 72 business hours and the results will be sent to your doctor.

    The costs for blood and urine analyses are not covered by Medicare, but private insurance companies reimburse, in general, the costs for these services.

  • (select a date)
    AAAA slash MM slash JJ
  • (without space)
  • .ginput_price { display: none; }

    Optional : In order to speed up the processing of your request, you can upload in the section below the document of your laboratory request (by taking a photo or scanning it).

  • Taille max. des fichiers : 32 MB.
  • After clicking on the ''submit'' button, please do not exit this page before being redirected to the confirmation page.

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