Stress test ECG

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For a more accurate diagnosis

Stress test ECG

The stress test by electrocardiogram (treadmill ECG) is a test similar to the resting ECG, during which the patient walks on a treadmill whose speed and tilt increase gradually during the test. The pulse, the heart rhythm and the blood pressure are continually recorded. For a successful test, the patient must reach, in successive steps, a predetermined heart rate depending on his age.

The stress test is interrupted when the patient :

    • reaches the desired heart rate
    • experiences fatigue, shortness of breath or significant chest pain
    • shows abnormal ECG changes
    • experiences a severe rhythm disorder
    • experiences a drop in blood pressure

The stress test lasts approximately 30 minutes and requires preparation so that the results are valid. You should avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, etc.) and avoid smoking 4 hours before the test. You should wear comfortable clothes and running shoes during the examination.

The stress ECG can reveal arrhythmias or disorders of the coronary circulation that can not be identified on a resting ECG. It is important to let the doctor know if you experience any pain or other disorder that may require interruption of the test.

At Physimed, the stress ECGs are performed strictly by our cardiologists.

If you have a prescription for a stress test ECG, you can call 514 747-8185 to book an appointment. We will quickly forward your results to your physician.


  • To diagnose

    coronary artery disease in a patient with chest pain

  • To Detect

    latent coronary heart disease

  • to verify

    the effectiveness of the anti-anginal treatment

  • To Evaluate

    arrhythmias (in some cases, stress ECG may cause a rhythm disorder unapparent at rest)

  • To Evaluate

    congestive heart failure


  • If you suffer ....

    • unstable angina
    • recent myocardial infarction
    • severe hypertension
    • severe arrhythmias at rest
    • severe cardiac valvulopathies
    • acute endocarditis, pericarditis, myocarditis
    • recent pulmonary embolism
    • arteritis of the lower limbs
    • impossibility to perform an effort